Maintenance and Training

Get the best from your equipment


Using any X-Ray equipment within an organisation means compliance with the Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017 (IRR17). Annual checks are a legal requirement but also ensures the continued performance and running of your equipment.


We offer mandatory cover that provides planned service calls to carry out safety checks and provide the required certificates.

Our fully comprehensive cover includes certification, safety checks and all parts, labour and call-outs if you do experience a fault. This also includes a place at one of our Advanced Security Scanning training courses and refresher training during planned service visits at no extra cost.

Do you have questions about our services? If you do then please feel free to contact us directly on 01322 288890.


The most effective way of securing your premises from postal threats is to ensure that any staff who use X-Ray screening equipment are trained and that their training is up to date. The operators and security staff who attend our courses will gain a clear understanding of how to determine if an item is “Safe or Suspect”.


They will know what actions and protocols are needed so that the suspect item is dealt with effectively, with minimum impact on your business.

Learn more about our Advanced Mailroom Security X-Ray Scanning Training

Using TIP (Threat Image Projection) software you will also be able to monitor and review how your staff react to a threat by projecting an image of a threat into an item that is being screened.